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Guideline for Roots and Install xRecovery for Xperia X10

Fist Method :
1)-Download DooMLoRD_v2ROOT
2)-Enable Unknown Sources (Menu => Setting => Applications => Unknown Sources) & USB debugging (Menu => Setting => Applications => Development => USB Debugging) on your Xperia X10
3)-Connect your phone to computer with UBS Cable. (Skip "PC Companion Software" Prompt in your device.)
4)-Open runme.bat in DooMLoRD_v2_ROOT which you just downloaded and Press any key
5)-It will root your phone automatically and then phone will reboot
6)-Your phone already rooted when you see new application name SuperUser in your phone.

Fist Method :
1)-Download FlashTool_0.2.9.1-GBready_root
2)-After downloaded, you just double click on file downloaded.
3)-It will ask where you want to install/extract, browse to that folder then click on Extract
4)-Once its extracted go into that folder and you can now launch FlashTool using X10FlashTool.exe

1-Make sure you are on stock 2.3.3 FW
2-[ON YOUR PHONE] Enable Unknown Sources & USB Debugging in :
* Menu => Setting => Applications => Unknown Sources
* Menu => Setting => Applications => Development => USB Debugging
3-Power Down device
4-Open the FlashTool provided in this thread 
5-Flash - Kernel Downgrade
6-After you see the following remove the USB Cable
8-Remove USB Cable
9-Power On device
10-You will fell a small vibration when you power on device at that point immediately connect USB Cable
11-When the device start IT WILL get stuck at SE text logo & you will see the following flashtool log/window :
12-Now Click Root button
13-And you will see some things getting logged in FlashTool at the end, you will see the following output :
14-Your device will be reboot is done, even If it doesn't reboot follow the next steps
15-Pull out battery and wait for few minutes
16-Enter Flash Mode
17-Flash - Kernal Upgrade
18-After you see the following remove the USB Cable
19-Power on your phone and phone will be rooted

1-Power on device & get into the OS
2-Keep Screen Active/Unloced
3-Now connect phone to PC via USB cable, you will see the following :
4-Now click " Ask Root Perms" and watch out for SuperUser prompt on screen and accept/allow it
5-If you accepted/allowed, you will see this :
6-Now xRecovery button is enable, so click on xRecovery button
7-Now you will see the following in the FlashTool log/window
8-That's all!!!!!!!!!!! You will now have lastest xRecovery-0.3-GBready (With all fixes) installed.